Savoureux à deux ces savoureuses ravioli à la volaille, soigneusement préparés avec une sauce tomate parfumée aux herbes de Provence, pour un repas complet et gourmand.
Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Cristal è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato.
Questa fragranza si ispira alla sontuosità dello strascico degli abiti da gran sera.
Un orientale/fiorito deciso e persistente che esalta l’eleganza intrinseca dei suoi componenti.
Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice durante l’ultimo risciacquo.
Profuma Bucato Cristal è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Nocciolata Senza Latte Rigoni Bio - 2,5 kg
La nuova Nocciolata senza latte Rigoni di Asiago è una crema spalmabile di cacao e nocciole completamente biologica e priva di latte.
Nata da una speciale ricetta, questa crema dal gusto intenso e appagante è stata pensata per intolleranti al lattosio e per chi segue una dieta vegan. Il suo gusto e la sua cremosità la rende un prodotto goloso, perfetto per tutti gli amanti del cioccolato.
Un prodotto buono e naturale, senza olio di palma, senza glutine, senza coloranti, aromi o additivi artificiali.
Nocciolata senza latte contiene solo ingredienti biologici: zucchero di canna, pasta di nocciole (18%), olio di girasole, cacao (11%), burro di cacao, emulsionante (lecitina di girasole), estratto di vaniglia.
1 PZ = EURO 18,00
SCADENZA 18/09/2027
Quineron, also known as Quinoa or Peruvian rice, is the so -called Pseudosbogs, i.e. a plant that produces starchy seeds, but is not actually. It comes from South America where she has been valued for its nutritional value for centuries. It is called the "saint of the Inca." It also contains saponins, thanks to which it can show antiallergic, anti -inflammatory, anti -fungal antiviral and immunostimulatory effects. The grain has antioxidant properties due to its extremely large amount of flavonoids. Kimos does not contain gluten and is easily digestible. Red rice has a more expressive taste and aroma than a white quea. It has a slightly crunchy shell and fits well with salads. It can be subjected to which it will give her nutty flavor and use in desserts. 6.1g - 9%Including saturated fatty acids 0.7g - 3%carbohydrates 57 - 22%including sugars 0g - 0%protein 14g - 28%salt 0.01g & lt; 1%*RWS - reference food value & nbsp; < Strong> Application </strong> Queen beans before cooking should
Kasza jaglana uważana jest za jeden z najzdrowszych pokarmów świata. Uprawiana od setek lat, pozyskiwana jest z łuskanych ziaren prosa. Wyróżnia się najwyższą zawartością witamin z grupy B:(B1,B2,B6) oraz żelaza i miedzi.
Kasza jaglana posiada także właściwości lecznicze, jest lekkostrawna i nie uczula, bo nie zawiera glutenu dlatego może być spożywana przez osoby chorujące na celiakie. Ma właściwości antywirusowe, zmniejsza stan zapalny błon śluzowych. Zawiera krzemionkę, która korzystnie wpływa na stan naszej skóry, włosów i paznokci.
Peru belongs to the most forested countries in the world, over half of Peru is covered in
trees – and a large part of it is Amazonian tropical forest. No wonder Peru is in the top 10
of most biodiverse countries in the world.
Unfortunately, deforestation and forest degradation are serious issues in Peru, caused by
monoculture farming, mining, road construction and illegal logging.
Because cacao grows in agroforestry, its cultivation gives farmers the opportunity to
earn an income, while protecting forests and conserving biodiversity. Peru Ucayali cacao
is organically produced and certified; no pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used.
Peru Ucayali cacao is from Trinitario varieties. Its flavour profile is characterized by a
balanced chocolaty body, low in acidity, with remarkable sweet notes of caramel and
nuts and hints of fruity flavours.
After manual picking the farmers bring the wet cacao beans to a central fermentation
Region:Central Amazonas
Hints:Caramel, nutty, fruity
PURE CHOCOLATE:100% cocoa beans
Energy:550Kcal, 2300kJ
Total fat:52g
which Saturated fat:31g
which Sugar:0g
Autres conditionnements VRAC et SACHETS : 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg - La Figue Protoben VIJAYA est originaire de la Turquie et issue du projet bio Good Food Foundation, certifié équitable par FairTSA. Les différentes figues de Turquie se différencient par leur mode de préparation. Chaque appellation (Baglama, Lérida et Protoben) se réfère non pas à une variété de figue, mais à son mode de préparation. La Figue Protoben est légèrement étirée afin de lui donner des formes courbées qui font penser à celles d’une poire. Elle sera ensuite rangée avec ses consoeurs, à cheval les unes sur les autres.
Son calibre généreux lui confère un moelleux unique.
mikromakro® mischen heisst gezielter Einsatz von Statikmischern verschiedener Geometrien und
Grundsätzlich muss zuerst eine gleichmässige Vorverteilung im makro-Mischer erreicht werden, danach wird im mikro-Mischer eine bestmögliche Feinverteilung erzielt. Der Fluitec Mischer CSE-X® wird seit Jahren für Anwendungen mit höchsten Anforderungen eingesetzt. Der Aufbau des Mischers und die Anzahl der Stege sind abhängig von der Mischaufgabe und vom Durchmesser des Mischers.
Fundada há mais de 70 anos.
Somos especializados no fabrico e construção de:
• Moradias;
• Unidades industriais e comerciais;
• Escolas;
• Edifícios desportivos;
• Edifícios públicos;
• Projetos chave na mão;
• Produção de equipamentos;
• Produção em subcontratação de peças mecânicas e metálicas.
Cuboid, overflowing with LED lighting Model HAWAII made of CORTENsteel
Ball fountain and cuboid
Standard dimensions
Delivery includes:
- fully funcional inclusive pump, assembly instruction with assembly parts
- with LED lighting in warm white
- galvanized water basin with fine woven granting (free openings <15mm) which can be buried under the ground
- for a ground-level installation is a cover necessery
- power connection with 220 V and 5m electric wire and schuko plug (type CEE 7/4)
2 sockets are required for the lighting and pump.
Posicionado num segmento mais gourmet, e com uma textura suave, o Queijo Senras Premium atravessa um processo de cura de 6 meses que lhe confere um sabor um pouco mais intenso e prolongado.
Peso:0.5 kg
Peso:0.8 kg
Peso:1.2 kg
Ingredients: Orzo, Beef, Tomato, Sunflower Seed Oil, Yellow Bell Pepper, Red Bell Pepper, Green Bell Pepper, Tomato Paste, Onion, Crushed Red Pepper, Paprika, Black Pepper, Salt, Water.
Durum wheat pasta is a top quality healthy product. It contains more proteins, useful carbohydrates and other nutrients. Once cooked, pasta with eggs added to the dough is more yellow, has a better taste, and is healthier and richer in nutrients. Egg pasta is made according to a reliable recipe from durum wheat flour and eggs, which guarantees an excellent taste, natural colour and aroma. The eggs contain a respective concentration of easily digested amino acids, fats – phospholipids, in particular lecithin, choline, vitamins and microelements. Lecithin regulates cholesterol levels in the blood. Choline is an important active substance essential for nerve cells. This pasta also contains B-group vitamins, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive tract.
Nutrition facts:100 g
Energy value:1530 kJ / 358 kcal
Fat Of which saturated fatty acids:1,9 g 0,5 g
Carbohydrates Of which sugars:74,0 g <0,3 g
Proteins:13,0 g
Salt:0,5 g*
- Graines de moutarde
- Vinaigre d'alcool
- Sel de mer non raffiné
- Eau
Conseils d'utilisation :
Son goût prononcé réjouira les amateurs de plats relevés. Accompagnera idéalement vos viandes, grillades et sera parfaite pour réaliser une vinaigrette ou une mayonnaise.
Ce produit est également disponible en pot de 100 g, 370 g, 750 g et seaux de 800 g et 4 kg.
Papryka słodka mielona Prymat może być używana w kuchni wszechstronnie – do potraw mięsnych, sosów, twarogów, wędlin, sałatek, potraw z ryb, ryżu i drobiu. Posiada wyrazisty, a jednocześnie przyjemnie słodki smak. Nadaje potrawom wyśmienity aromat, a także piękną i intensywną barwę.
La salsa Pesto es una de las salsas más famosas del mundo y destaca por su increíble sabor a albahaca.
Esta aromática salsa, de origen genovés, es perfecta para acompañar todo tipo de recetas, además de la típica pasta. También para aromatizar carnes y pescados.
La décoration, faisant référence aux arts décoratifs, permet d'embellir un objet ou une pièce. On peut décorer quelque chose en le peignant, en y collant des affiches, en accrochant des tableaux. Les Romains ont décoré leurs maisons avec des mosaïques (en allant à Pompéi, on retrouve des mosaïques qui datent de la Rome antique), des peintures murales ou des trompe-l'œil.
MATSUO BASHO (1644-1694) gilt als Mitbegründer der japanischen Versform Haiku. Seine Gedichte spiegeln die Einfachheit seiner meditativen Lebensweise wider. Er versah viele seiner Verse mit einer mystischen Qualität und versuchte, die großen, weltbewegenden Themen durch einfache Naturbilder auszudrücken. Neujahrstag ist eine Reflexion über das Alleinsein mit der Natur und den Wechsel der Jahreszeiten.
Autor: Matsuo Basho
Deutsche Fassung: A. Gerhard
Graphisches Design und Layout: Tony Vera
Fünf illustrierte Haikus
Format:13x10 cm
Hardcover, farbig bedruckt, 30 Seiten
Zweite Auflage: 2017
Preis: 10,50 €
ISBN: 978-3-943117-90-5
Cocoa butter is used in cosmetics and as a base oil in aromatherapy massages of the face and body. It hydrates and regenerates the skin, smoothes wrinkles, helps to erase scars and stretch marks. Cocoa butter massages tone the skin, activate the release of toxins, fluid retention, fat accumulation and are preferred in anti-cellulite therapies. Cocoa butter helps to achieve a natural, chocolate complexion without burning and dehydrating the skin. It leaves an invisible film on the skin, thus protecting it from the harmful effects of environmental factors.
This solanaceous berry came to Europe from Persia, and because of the difficulties of translation, it was often called a crazy apple. Eggplant came to Russia from the Caucasus, which is why it had the nickname “Armenian cucumber” for a long time. Properly dried eggplant has a bright aroma and taste of mushrooms. This feature makes it an indispensable component in dishes with stewed vegetables or in any roast.
Use for
Soups, sauces, marinades, dishes from meat, poultry and game dishes.
Spicy, bitter, piquant
Nutrition value on 100 gr.
Proteins (g / 100g)… 11
Fats (g / 100g)… 1,0
Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 43
Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 230